Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Social Security plan backed in Utah

Well, although the President's plan seems like it might be a step in the right direction, it is far too little. Social Security has always been a socialist policy, and will continue to be so as long as people are not given a choice of whether or not to participate, and as long as any money is forcibly removed from people to pay for it, whether as taxes or anything else.

Socialism is defined by Webster as, "a theory of social organization in which the means of production and distribution of goods are owned and controlled collectively or by the government." A second definition states that the Marxist theory calls socialism, "the stage following capitalism in the transition of a society to communism, characterized by the imperfect implementation of collectivist principless."

So what does that mean? It means a system where individual controls and freedoms are given up to the government or the group to control. People put up a big stink about big brother and the Patriot Act taking away their freedoms, and yet they are more than happy to give up their freedoms because they think they are helping others and that the government needs to protect us from ourselves.

The part that really scares me is how Marxist theory says that socialism is just the stage between capitalism and communism, on the way to communism. And the way this country is headed, we're running towards communism with open, yet unsuspecting, arms. As soon as the government starts to take control away from the individual, and starts telling people what they can and can't do with their own property, that nation is in trouble. That began with income tax, and has continued with Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, etc.

Oh what a subtle snare this is! Make people think they are helping themselves by letting government protect them from themselves. But they don't realize the freedoms they are giving up. In essence they are allowing the government to steal from them. And oh how this weakens society. Remember the old saying, "The chain is only as strong as its weakest link." As the people allow government to group us together and take our property from us to distribute it amongst everyone, the entire chain becomes weaker still.

We are in essence rewarding people for being lazy or stupid, while punishing those who work harder and/or smarter. Did we learn nothing from Darwin's theory of Natural Selection and from evolution? In nature, a weak animal cannot be saved from preditors by its friends, it is sad but true. If an animal becomes lazy and weak, or doesn't want to work hard to get food, or isn't smart enough to adapt and eat, then it will die, and there is nothing its compatriots can do. However, we keep trying to save the lazy and dumb, providing for them a means for survival and rewarding them for their laziness by giving them a handout. Then they pass that on to their children (which can be many since we give people an incentive to have more), who learn the lifestyle. So society as a whole deteriorates, becomes weaker, becomes dumber.

Where does all this lead? Why, to communism of course! Just as Marxist theory says! When enough people are lazy and dumb and don't want to work for their meal, they will become the majority, and the lawmakers will be elected by them. Slowly but surely, the laws will become more socialistic, until one day we find ourselves in full-fledged communism. If that day comes, don't say I didn't warn you.