Sunday, March 20, 2005

House debating Schiavo bill

Here we go again with lawmakers trying to take powers for themselves. I feel bad for the woman in the middle of this, Mrs. Schiavo. But really, congress has no place stepping in here. Last I checked, the republicans wanted to deny marriage rights to gays and lesbians, with which comes the ability to make medical decisions for a spouse. Now they are trying to deny those same medical rights to Mr. Schiavo, who is legally, lawfully, and heterosexually married. This is a matter for the court system to work out on its own, in its own due course. When one part of government feels like it doesn't like what another part is doing and tries to make its own rules where it doesn't belong, then you know government isn't working. Why doesn't congress stop wasting time and go back to work on what it is supposed to be doing?