Sunday, September 21, 2008

Welcome to the USSA, comrades!

If any of you haven't heard what is going on right now in the financial world and in our government, you must be hiding under a rock. Many firms are losing great deals of money and failing. Our government has been nationalizing these firms, and bailing them out, and giving them money, and all manner of other help. Why? They claim that if the firms fail, it will be too great a burden on the American people.

And honestly, it makes me sick that our government would do that.

Why? Well, there used to be a place called the USSR, the Soviet Union. They were pure communists. Communism one form of socialism and is the polar opposite of free market enterprise. It is the absolute lack of freedom. If you share my theological beliefs, it represents the plan of Satan as opposed to the plan of God. To me, it really is that simple and that evil.

So now our government is spending TRILLIONS (yes, that was a TR, not a B) of dollars to bail these companies out, claiming that it is in the best interest of everyone.

So let's see... for many years all these very smart people at these firms have been taking on a lot of risk, and making a lot of money for it. Now that the risk is coming home to roost, they want to walk away from the risk, dump it on the taxpayers, and still keep the money they made for taking the risk in the first place. That certainly doesn't sound fair to me!

Why should people who play by all the rules, work hard, pay their taxes, work to be self-sufficient, volunteer in their communities, obey all the laws, and only take appropriate risks now have to pay for those who took too much risk and simply don't want to pay for it?

Remember... if you answer that it is for the best common good, you are a socialist. Socialism takes away your choices and basically puts a gun to your head and says, "you will pay your taxes so we can choose what to do with your money, or you will go to jail." Much of the taxes we pay today is just a system of redistributing wealth. Rob from the rich (often known as the people who are smarter, wiser, harder-working, etc) to give to the poor (often known as the people who are lazy, and thus don't improve themselves or work as hard). This isn't like Robin Hood, where the rich stole from the poor in the first place. This is stealing hard-earned income from the people who earned it, to give it to the poor. Socialism.

Do you know what the US national debt is right now? It is almost $10 TRILLION dollars. That means every single man, woman, and child in this country owes over $31,000 thanks to the government. And it is growing rapidly. Every year the interest on that debt is over $400 BILLION dollars. That's over $1300 per man, woman, and child in the US. So my little family of four owes around $125,000 in debt, and accrues $5200 or more in interest payments every year. Oh, and we keep adding to that debt each and every year.

Enough is enough! I just wrote e-mails to my 2 senators and my representative in congress, and voiced my opinion that this bailout must stop, and that we must get our country out of debt, now. I hope you all do the same, because until they hear it from enough people, they won't listen.

On our current path, we will be calling each other Comrade within 30 years, because the government will have to nationalize everything private in the US just to pay its debt and avoid a complete world meltdown. They will say they have to do it to save the world, and that is how this formerly-free land will become the most powerful socialist state in history.

The government needs to let these companies that took the risk and made the money fail. It will be hard on everyone in the country, but we need to let it happen to save our country in the long run. No good parent would let their child run around doing whatever they want without consequences, and no good government should remove people's consequences either. Let them fail, let their creditors fail, let the whole system come down on itself so we can raise a new one from the ashes that actually takes care of itself.

But the politicians like their power, and won't do it.

Welcome to the USSA (United Socialist States of America).