Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Study: Uninsured cost insured $900 more

Its about time that someone actually wrote the facts on this matter. To put it simply, "Socialism doesn't work, it just creates a vicious cycle during which members of society are trained to become lazy, stupid, and worthless."

Every time someone who is uninsured gets medical care they can't pay for a third gets picked up by the government (ie, you and me, in the form of taxes), and the rest by insurance companies (ie, you and me, in the form of higher insurance premiums). The end result: People who don't want to get insurance or don't work hard enough to get it basically get a free pass and force you and me to pay for all their medical care.

Now, until my recent graduation I was working 40-50 hours a week, carrying a very heavy full-time senior classload, performing 5 to 8 hours of service for my church each week, filling a volunteer position in my HOA, and spending some time with my pregnant wife, who was also working 40 hours a week, taking some classes, and giving 5 to 8 hours of church service a week. But because we both worked our tails off and didn't go waste all our money or spend it on things we didn't absolutely need, we didn't qualify for any socialist programs that so many others our age benefit from.

So, let's see, the government is basically trying to teach us that working hard doesn't get you anything, because you get all the same stuff if you're lazy and get the government (ie, you and me) to pay for it. This is called socialism, and communism is just a form of socialism. We, as a country, have slowly been heading towards it for the last 100 years, and if we don't realize it and do something about it soon, our country will start to crumble just as surely as the Soviet Union did.